Thursday Club Night
Salsa in Aylesbury welcomes you to a world of Salsa, Bachata and Kizomba in our stunning venue, Red Kite Pavilion, Cafe in the Park, Aston Clinton,
HP22 5HL
Red Kite Pavilion is a newly built building. It has a huge hall downstairs with Junckers sprung floor and integrated Bose speakers with hearing loop. Doors lead out onto a large terrace.
There is a separate room upstairs to hold additional classes with a beautiful balcony to take in the breathtaking views.
Every THURSDAY we hold classes for Beginners, Improvers, Intermediates and Advanced, followed by social dancing.
Doors open at 8.00pm. Classes begin at 8.30pm, followed by S.B.K social dancing until 11.00pm. Some weeks, we have a bonus early class at 7.45pm. eg. Kizomba, Rueda, Bachata, Styling. SEE WHAT`S ON PAGE FOR MORE DETAILS
£10 card or cash for classes and social card or cash. £6 social only.
Pay as you go, No booking necessary
No partner needed
Come along and experience so much more than just a dance class - it`s a whole new experience!
For more information contact Max on 077845 20119 or e mail on salsainaylesbury00@gmail.com

Special Events
We hold our Saturday Socials, Live Band Nights and Workshops @ Red Kite Pavilion, Aston Clinton, HP22 5HL